Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thank You

If you were still here on earth with us, you would wake up today knowing it was your birthday, but you would probably have to ask me how old you were.  You always forgot your exact age, and I would have to remind you each year.  I would tell you and you would act surprised, as if you skipped a year and didn't realize it.  So today as we would celebrate your 50th birthday, you would probably ask me in bewilderment, "I'm 50?! Are you sure?"

Every birthday card I wrote always said the same thing.  I always made sure to tell you two things, and this year is no different. The first thing I always made sure to do was tell you thank you for everything you did for me.  Growing up I was substantially aware of the tangible things you provided for me, like a nice home and nice things.  If you could provide it, you did, and I know how hard you worked to provide as much as possible.  You allowed me to experience so many great things in life.  All the sports and school activities, the formal dresses, hair and makeup for all the dances, all the trips, a good home in a safe neighborhood so I could be surrounded by good people and friends, my car, my college education, and just about everything I can think of.  All my needs and wants in life, you provided for me with great love and without complaint.  I realize the many sacrifices you made to put me in a good home, a good school and provide all the opportunities in the world for me to succeed.  When I was a kid I never realized just how much you struggled financially to provide for us, especially as a single mother.  I heard the phrase, "I'm broke" thousands of times growing up, but I never once felt poor.  Your love was truly enough and I know it drove you to give me everything you could, which was so much! So, once again, thank you for everything you have ever done for me.

The second thing I always wrote in your birthday card was that you were the greatest mother on earth!  It wasn't just something I said; I sincerely meant those words for many reasons.  You protected me.  I became attached to you at a very young age, and you protected me from harm in a very special way.  You protected my heart from being broken and my spirit from being crushed by other people and circumstances that had the potential of hurting me very badly.  Your loving affection overflowed.  Whether it was rubbing my hair so I could fall asleep, or letting me lay on your lap while watching T.V., or holding my hand as we walked side by side, I experienced your affection often and freely.  I am so grateful that I was able to kiss you, hug you, and tell you I love you almost every day of my life.  You created an affectionate heart in me that I am able to share with all the people I love.  You were also the best comforter.  You were very familiar with struggling, so you knew it was something I had to experience and you tried to build me up through it.  You would always tell me, "this builds character."  The way you would lay with me and hold me when I was crying is a feeling I will never forget.  You encouraged everything I did.  You never discouraged any of my ideas, hobbies or dreams.  Instead, you became involved and supported me without question.  You told me all the time how smart and talented I was, and you thought my dreams were so unique; you thought I could do anything.  It is because of all your support that I have been able to have so many incredible experiences and opportunities in life.  Now when I get to experience something new, I think of you and how happy you would be for me.  You were so loving, and you were filled with sincere joy when something great happened to anyone you loved.  I remember that great big smile that spread across your face when you knew something good was happening to them.  That smile is something I think about daily.  I do not know the reason God chose to give me such an incredible mother when there are so many daughters out there who never get to experience the bond we shared or the love you gave.  Whatever the reason, thank you for being the greatest mother on earth.

I can't write these things in a birthday card or a letter or tell them to you while you're opening your present, because today is not your birthday; today you're not 50 years old.  Your life on earth is over and you've begun your eternal life with our Almighty Father, and I know you're just waiting peacefully and comfortably for the rest of us.  Nothing makes me happier than knowing you've reached the ultimate reward, which is incomparable to any struggle you had here on earth.  The provisions, protection, comfort, encouragement, support, and unending love you bestowed upon all of us was absolutely divine, and I know these were just manifestations of all the characteristics of God.  Your faith in the Lord allowed the Holy Spirit to inhabit your heart and work through you to provide all of us with these great gifts.  So today I would like to give my thanks to the Lord.  Lord, thank you for all the things you've ever done for me and for giving me the greatest mother on earth.  I am forever grateful and blessed by it. 

This is my song for you today, Mom. I love you.

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